(by no means complete, but representative. alphabetically by author)
Name | Book | Published |
Bernhard, Bennet and Rice. | New Handbook of the Heavens | New York, 1948 |
Budge, E.A. | Amulets and Talismans | New York, 1970 |
Crowley, A. | Book Four | Texas, 1972 |
The Book of Thoth | New York, 1969 | |
Liber AL vel Legis | New York, 1977 | |
Magick | New York | |
Cumont, F. | Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism | New York, 1956 |
Dornseiff. | Das Alphabet in Mystik and Magie | Stoicheia 7, Leipzig, 1925 |
Drower, E.S. | The Book of the Zodiac | London,1949 |
Fairservis, W.A. | The Origins of Oriental Civilisation | New York, 1959 |
Fossey, C. | La Magie Assyrienne | Paris, 1902 |
de la Fuye, A. | "Le Pentagramme Pythagoricien, sa diffusion, son emploi dans la syllabaire cunéiforme." Babyloniaca | Paris, 1934 |
Genouillac | "Les dieux de l'Elam" Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie Égyptienne et Assyrienne. | Paris, 1904 (ed. Maspero) |
Grant, K. | Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God | New York, 1974 |
The Magical Revival | New York, 1973 | |
Gray, J. | Near Eastern Mythology | New York, 1969 |
Griffith & Thompson | The Leyden Papyrus | New York, 1974 |
Hooke, S.H. | Babylonian and Assyrian Religion | Oklahoma, 1975 |
Middle Eastern Mythology | New York, 1975 | |
King, L. | Babylonian Magic and Sorcery | London, 1896 |
Kramer, S.N. | History Begins At Sumer | New York, 1959 |
Mythologies of the Ancient World (ed) | New York, 1961 | |
Sumerian Mythology | Pennsylvania, 1972 | |
Laurent | La Magie et la Divination chez les Chaldeo-Assyriennes | Paris, 1894 |
Lenormant F. | Science Occulte; La Magie chez les Chaldeens | Paris, 1874 |
Lovecraft, H.P. | Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos | New York, 1973 |
At The Mountains of Madness | New York, 1973 | |
The Dunwich Horror | New York, 1963 | |
The Lurker at the Threshold (with August Derleth) | New York, 1971 | |
Mason, H. | Gilgamesh (ed.) | New York, 1972 |
Neugebauer, O. | The Exact Sciences in Antiquity | New York, 1969 |
Pritchard, J. | Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament | Princeton, 1958 |
The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster "Sapere Aude" | New York | |
Seignobos, S. | The World of Babylon | New York, 1975 |
Seligmann, K. | Magic, Supernaturalism, and Religion | New York, 1968 |
Shah, I. | Oriental Magic | New York, 1973 |
The Secret Lore of Magic | New York, 1972 | |
The Sufis | New York, 1973 | |
Tallqvist, K.L. | "Die Assyrische Beschworungsserie Maqlu nach dem originalem im British Museum Herausgegeben" Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae | Helsingfors, 1895 |
Thompson, R.C. | Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon | London, 1900 |
Semitic Magic | London, 1904 | |
The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia | London, 1904 |