(by no means complete, but representative. alphabetically by author)

Name Book Published
Bernhard, Bennet and Rice. New Handbook of the Heavens New York, 1948
Budge, E.A. Amulets and Talismans New York, 1970
Crowley, A. Book Four Texas, 1972
The Book of Thoth New York, 1969
Liber AL vel Legis New York, 1977
Magick New York
Cumont, F. Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism New York, 1956
Dornseiff. Das Alphabet in Mystik and Magie Stoicheia 7, Leipzig, 1925
Drower, E.S. The Book of the Zodiac London,1949
Fairservis, W.A. The Origins of Oriental Civilisation New York, 1959
Fossey, C. La Magie Assyrienne Paris, 1902
de la Fuye, A. "Le Pentagramme Pythagoricien, sa diffusion, son emploi dans la syllabaire cunéiforme." Babyloniaca Paris, 1934
Genouillac "Les dieux de l'Elam" Recueil de Travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie Égyptienne et Assyrienne. Paris, 1904 (ed. Maspero)
Grant, K. Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God New York, 1974
The Magical Revival New York, 1973
Gray, J. Near Eastern Mythology New York, 1969
Griffith & Thompson The Leyden Papyrus New York, 1974
Hooke, S.H. Babylonian and Assyrian Religion Oklahoma, 1975
Middle Eastern Mythology New York, 1975
King, L. Babylonian Magic and Sorcery London, 1896
Kramer, S.N. History Begins At Sumer New York, 1959
Mythologies of the Ancient World (ed) New York, 1961
Sumerian Mythology Pennsylvania, 1972
Laurent La Magie et la Divination chez les Chaldeo-Assyriennes Paris, 1894
Lenormant F. Science Occulte; La Magie chez les Chaldeens Paris, 1874
Lovecraft, H.P. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos New York, 1973
At The Mountains of Madness New York, 1973
The Dunwich Horror New York, 1963
The Lurker at the Threshold (with August Derleth) New York, 1971
Mason, H. Gilgamesh (ed.) New York, 1972
Neugebauer, O. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity New York, 1969
Pritchard, J. Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament Princeton, 1958
The Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster "Sapere Aude" New York
Seignobos, S. The World of Babylon New York, 1975
Seligmann, K. Magic, Supernaturalism, and Religion New York, 1968
Shah, I. Oriental Magic New York, 1973
The Secret Lore of Magic New York, 1972
The Sufis New York, 1973
Tallqvist, K.L. "Die Assyrische Beschworungsserie Maqlu nach dem originalem im British Museum Herausgegeben" Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae Helsingfors, 1895
Thompson, R.C. Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon London, 1900
Semitic Magic London, 1904
The Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia London, 1904 | Necronomicon | Simon's Necronomicon | Bibliography & Suggested Reading List