Русскоязычные издания
Зарубежные издания


Научные труды
Задолго до увлечения Лавкрафта литературой, он увлекался различными научными дисциплинамми. Издавал журналы, писал статьи, вел рубрики в существующих изданиях.
Позднее, занявшись литературой, список его увлечений пополнился литературной критикой и журналистикой.
Что касается русских переводов, то переводилось только эссе "Сверхъестественный ужас в литературе" и "Памяти Роберта Эдвина Говарда".
- The Art of Fusion, Melting Pudling & Casting (1899)
- Chemistry, 4 volumes (1899)
- A Good Anaesthetic (1899)
- The Railroad Review (1901)
- The Moon (1903)
- The Scientific Gazette (1903-4)
- Astronomy/The Monthly Almanack (1903-4)
- The Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy (1903-7)
- Annals of the Providence Observatory (1904)
- Providence Observatory Forecast (1904)
- The Science Library, 3 volumes (1904)
- Astronomy articles for The Pawtuxet Valley Gleaner (1906)
- Astronomy articles for The Providence Tribune (1906-8)
- Third Annual Report of the Providence Meteorological Station (1906)
- Celestial Objects for All (1907)
- Astronomical Notebook (1909-15)
- Astronomy articles for The Providence Evening News (1914-8)
- "Bickerstaffe" articles from The Providence Evening News (1914)
- "Science versus Charlatanry" (9 September 1914)
- "The Falsity of Astrology" (10 October 1914)
- "Astrology and the Future" (13 October 1914)
- "Delavan's Comet and Astrology" (26 October 1914)
- "The Fall of Astrology" (17 December 1914)
- Astronomy articles for The Asheville Gazette-News (1915)
- Editor's Note to MacManus' "The Irish and the Fairies" (1916)
- The Truth about Mars (1917)
- The Cancer of Superstition (1926)
- A Task for Amateur Journalists (1914)
- Departments of Public Criticism (1914-19)
- What Is Amateur Journalism? (1915)
- Consolidations Autopsy (1915)
- What Is Amateur Journalism?
- Consolidation's Autopsy (1915)
- The Amateur Press (1915)
- The Morris Faction (1915)
- For President - Leo Fritter(1915)
- Introducing Mr. Chester Pierce Munroe (1915)
- The Question of the Day (1915)
- [Random Notes], from The Conservative (1915)
- Editorials, from The Conservative (1915)
- Finale (1915)
- New Department Proposed: Instruction for the New Recruit (1915)
- Amateur Notes (1915)
- Some Political Phases (1915)
- Introducing Mr. John Russell (1915)
- In a Major Key (1915)
- The Conservative and His Critics (1915)
- The Dignity of Journalism (1915)
- The Youth of Today (1915)
- An Imparitial Spectator (1915)
- Symphony and Stress (1915)
- Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs [biography of A.F.
Lockhart] (1915)
- Reports of the First Vice-President (1915-16)
- Systematic Instruction in the United (1915-16)
- Introducing Mr. James T. Pyke (1916)
- Editorial, from The Providence Amateur (1916)
- United Amateur Press Association: Exponent of Amateur Journalism
- Among the New-Comers (1916)
- Among the Amateurs (1916)
- Concerning "Persia - In Europe" (1917)
- Amateur Standards (1917)
- A Request (1917)
- A Reply to The Lingerer (1917)
- Editorially (1917)
- News Notes (1917)
- The United's Problem (1917)
- Little Journeys to the Homes of Prominent Amateurs [biography of E.J.
Barnhart] (1917)
- President's Messages, from The United Amateur (1917-8)
- Comment (1918)
- Les Mouches Fantastiques (1918)
- Amateur Criticism (1918)
- The United: 1917-1918 (1918)
- The Amateur Press Club (1918)
- Helene Hoffman Cole - Litterateur (1919)
- Trimmings (1919)
- For Official Editor - Anne Tillery Renshaw (1919)
- Amateurdom (1919)
- Looking Backward (1920)
- For What Does the United Stand? (1920)
- [Untitled], from The Tryout (1920)
- Editor's Note to Loveman's "A Scene for Macbeth" (1920)
- Amateur Journalism - Its Possible Needs and Betterment (1920)
- The Pseudo-United (1920)
- [Untitled fragments], from The United Amateur (1920-1)
- Editorials, from The United Amateur (1920-5)
- News Notes (1920-5)
- What Amateur Journalism and I Have Done for Each Other (1921)
- Lucubrations Lovecraftian (1921)
- The Vivisector (1921-3)
- The Haverhill Convention (1921-3)
- The Convention Banquet (1921-3)
- "Rainbow" Called Best First Issue (1922)
- President's Messages, from The National Amateur (1922-3)
- Rursus Adsumus (1923)
- Bureau of Critics (1923)
- [Random Notes], from The Conservative (1923)
- The President's Annual Report (1923)
- A Matter of Uniteds (1927)
- The Convention (1930)
- Bureau of Critics (1932-6)
- Mrs. Miniter - Estimates and Recollections (1934)
- Dr. Eugene B. Kuntz (1935)
- Some Current Motives and Practices (1936)
- [Literary Review] (1936)
- Defining the "Ideal" Paper (1936)
- Report of the Executive Judges (1936)
Литературная критика
- Metrical Regularity (1915)
- The Allowable Rhyme (1915)
- The Proposed Authors Union (1916)
- The Vers Libre Epidemic (1917)
- Poesy (1918)
- The Despised Pastoral (1918)
- The Literature of Rome (1918)
- The Simple Spelling Mania (1918)
- The Case for Classicism (1919)
- Literary Composition (1919)
- Winifred Virginia Jackson: A Different Poetess (1921)
- Ars Gratia Artis (1921)
- The Poetry of Lilian Middleton (1922)
- Lord Dunsany and His Work (1922)
- Rudis Indigestaque Moles (1923)
- Introduction to Hoags Poetical Works (1923)
- In the Editors Study (1923)
- [Random Notes On Philistine-Grecian controversy] (1923)
- Review of Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith (1923)
- The Professional Incubus (1924)
- The Omnipresent Philistine (1924)
- "The Work of Frank Belknap Long, Jr." (1924)
- Supernatural Horror in Literature (1925-1927)
- Preface to Bullens White Fire (1927)
- Preface to Symmes Old World Footprints (1928)
- Notes on Alias Peter Marchall by A. F. Lorenz (1929?)
- Notes on Verse Technique (1932)
- Foreword to Kuntzs Thoughts and Pictures (1932)
- [Notes on Weird Fiction] (1933)
- Weird Story Plots (1933)
- Notes on Writing Weird Fiction (1934)
- Some Notes on Interplanetary Fiction (1935)
- What Belongs in Verse (1935)
- Suggestions for a Reading Guide (1936)
- The Crime of the Century (1915)
- The Renaissance of Manhood (1915)
- Liquor and Its Friends (1915)
- More Chain Lightning (1915)
- Old England and the "Hyphen" (1916)
- Revolutionary Mythology (1916)
- The Symphonic Ideal (1916)
- Editors Note to McGavacks "Genesis of the Revolutionary War" (1917)
- A Remarkable Document (1917)
- At the Root (1918)
- Merlinus Redivivus (1918)
- Time and Space (1918)
- Anglo Saxondom (1918)
- Americanism (1919)
- The League (1919)
- Bolshevism (1919)
- Idealism and Materialism - A Reflection (1919)
- Life for Humanity's Sake (1920)
- In Defence of Dagon (1921)
- Nietzscheism and Realism (1922)
- East and West Harvard Conservatism (1922)
- The Materialist Today (1926)
- Some Causes of Self-Immolation (1931)
- Some Repetitions on the Times (1933)
- Heritage or Modernism: Common Sense in Art Forms (1935)
- Objections to Orthodox Communism (1936)
- The Trip of Theobald (1927)
- Vermont - A First Impression (1927)
- Observations on Several Parts of America (1928)
- An Account of a Trip to the Fairbanks House (1929)
- Travels in the Provinces of America (1929)
- An Account of a Visit to Charleston (1930)
- An Account of Charleston (1930)
- A Description of the Town of Quebeck (1930-31)
- European Glimpses (1932)
- Some Dutch Footprints in New England (1933)
- Homes and Shrines of Poe (1934)
- The Unknown City in the Ocean (1934)
- Charleston (1936)
- The Brief Autobiography of an Inconsequential Scribbler (1919)
- Within the Gates (1921)
- A Confession of Unfaith (1922)
- Diary (1925)
- Commercial Blurbs (1925)
- Cats and Dogs (1926)
- Notes on Hudson Valley History (1929)
- Autobiography of Howard Phillips Lovecraft (193-)
- Correspondence between Wilson Shepherd and R. H. Barlow (1932)
- In Memoriam: Henry St. Claire Whitehead (1932)
- Some Notes on a Nonentity (1933)
- In Memoriam: Robert Ervin Howard (1936)
- Commonplace Book (1919-1935)
- [Death Diary] (1937)