Русскоязычные издания
Зарубежные издания


Night Shade Books
- 2001 The Ancient Track: The Complete Poetical Works of H. P. Lovecraft
Полное издание всех поэтических работ Лавкрафта.
Включает фрагменты, комментарии, хронологию и библиография.
Вступительная статья и редакция Джоши.
Dover Publications
- 1973 Supernatural Horror in Literature
Introduction to the Dover Edition, by E.F. Bleiler
Supernatural Horror in Literature, by H.P. Lovecraft
Zebra Books
- 1963 The Colour Out Of Space
The Colour Out of Space
The Picture in the House
The Call of Cthulhu
Cool Air
The Whisperer in Darkness
The Terrible Old Man
The Shadow Out of Time
Bartholomew House
- 1945 The Dunwich Horror
- 1944 The Weird Shadow over Innsmouth
Shadow over Innsmouth
The Festival
The Outsider
The Whisperer in Darkness
- 1999 The Fantastic Worlds of H.P. Lovecraft
HPL: Pulphound by Will Murray
Story Writing by HPL
Some Self-Criticism by H.P. Lovecraft
Lovecraft As An Illustrator by H.P. Lovecraft
Lost Lovecraftian Pearls: The 'Tarbis' Collaboration by Will Murray
Lovecraft In Astounding Stories by Robert Weinberg
Humour Beneath Horror by Donald Burleson
Lovecraft, Blackwood And Chambers: A Colloquium Of Ghosts by Will Murray
Howard Phillips Whateley? by Stanley C. Sargent
HPL: Problems In Critical Recognition by Peter Cannon
Weird Tales In Retrospect by August Derleth
A Weird Tales Lovecraftian Art Gallery
HPL Visits New YorkРAnd Runs Screaming! by James Van Hise
Roots of the Miskatonic by Will Murray
In Search of Arkham Country I by Will Murray
In Search of Arkham Country II by Will Murray
An Allen Koszowski Art Folio
R.H. Barlow And The Recognition of H.P. Lovecraft by S.T. Joshi
Myths About Lovecraft by August Derleth
A Look At Lovecraft's Letters by S.T. Joshi
The Lovecraft/ROBERT E.. Howard Correspondence by Rusty Burke
Chronological Listing Of H.P. Lovecraft Photographs: Where Reproductions Have Been Published by John Haefele
The History of the EOD by Ben Indick
A Pre-Lovecraft Cthulhu Dreamer by Leon L. Gammell
"Memory" adapted by Eric York
Rusty Chains by John Brunner
MODERN LOVECRAFT FANDOM AFTERWORD: Amateur Affairs by Hyman Bradofsky
- 1992 Crawling Chaos, Selected Works 1920 - 1935

The Crawling Chaos (with Elizabeth Berkeley)
From Beyond
The Terrible Old Man
The Picture In the House
Arthur Jermyn
The Outsider
The Music of Erich Zann
Herbert West-Reanimator
The Hound
The Festival
What the Moon Brings
The Rats In the Walls
In the Vault
Pickman’s Model
The Call of Cthulhu
The Colour Out of Space
The Dunwich Horror
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
The Dreams in the Witch-House
The Thing on the Doorstep
The Horror in the Museum (with Hazel Heald)
The Haunter of the Dark
- 1971 The Shadow Over Innsmouth & Other Stories of Horror

Scholastic Magazines Inc.
The Colour out of Space
The Outsider
Imprisoned With the Pharaohs
The Transition of Juan Romero
In the Walls of Eryx
The Festival
The Shadow Over Innmouth
- 1945 Best Supernatural Stories of H. P. Lovecraft
In the vault
Pickman's model
The rats in the walls
The outsider
The colour out of space
The music of Erich Zann
The haunter of the dark
The picture in the house
The call of Cthulu
The Dunwich horror
Cool air
The whisperer in darkness
The terrible old man
The thing on the doorstep
- 1997 Tales of H. P. Lovecraft
The Outsider
The Music of Erich Zann
The Rats in the Walls
The Shunned House
The Call of Cthulhu
The Color out of Space
The Dunwich Horror
At the Mountains of Madness
The Shadow over Innsmouth
The Shadow out of Time